Updated template and upload

Friday, January 9, 2009

As you can see I updated the design of the blog. Its been a while since I've touched any of my blogs. However I'm slowly but steadily trying to get back on track. You could say I'm trying to rekindle my interest in blogging. To do this I decided to start by working on the template of my two blogs. It was particularly interesting experience because it has been well over a year since I've worked on HTML and I've never touched CSS. But this is one of those things I've been meaning to learn more about. And there are few things like the sense of accomplishment you get when you figure something out. For example while fixing the search box to the right here I spent the better part of an afternoon just to learn that I simply needed to change a single letter of code (an "s" for a "q"). Nothing quite like learning, eh?

Another thing that I wanted to find when working with the template was find a way to integrate it with the flickr and blip site. So it was great to find one with the link at the top. Lets see... what else... . I found that one of the videos about the project wasn't uploaded yet so that will go up next week and if all goes as planned I'll be cross-posting it here as well.

Stupas in Video - Templates para novo blogger