Stupas... In... Video?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

As you can see right now this is my first post (most definitively no my last). The purpose of this site is to function as a documentation of my future artwork involving the study of buddhist stupas. I want this blog to function as a way of documenting how this project comes about, the research behind it, the reasons and inspirations that helped create it.
Again welcome, more posts explaining the back story of this project will follow shortly have a nice day ... .... ... ... ... ... ummm still here ... ... well then I recommend coming back in a little while... ... and subscribe to my RSS feed so you stay updated on my work


BrahmsNotes said...

Here's my review of Norman's blog. Per Professor Channel's lecture on DIET, I will review by acronym!

Description: Norman's blog is completely black in background. Very compelling. I like how the black background draws the attention to the relevant material. Nice and focused. He has subsections on the side which contain the following sections: about me, subscribe to stupas in video, twitter updates, and the standard blog archives.

Interpret: The blog is about an art project Norman has begun about Stupas. The content will contain lots of videos (which will "be coming soon"). Perhaps a post about what Stupas are would be very relevant and would appease my curiosity about what Stupa is. (I'm heading to wikipedia now). There isn't a whole lot of content to interpret as of the moment...

Evaluate: The blog works for me. It is a good foundational design which focuses on the content. Perhaps a post about what a Buddhist "Stupas" are would be extremely helpful. I am not well versed in Buddhist religion and culture, so I've been kinda' dead-ended as to wanting to read more on the sight. Perhaps adding a definition as a permanent part of the page would help first-time visitors become acquainted with the subject matter quickly.

The Twitter updates feature is AWESOME. I am definitely adding this to my blog! Great. Along the lines of customization, perhaps you could get some different links on the site to other Buddhist religious sites or something else relevant to this subject matter.

Theorize: The impact this blog has on me is the exposure it is giving me about cultural/religious views. I am definitely going to check back to see what is going on and how the art is occurring! I believe this might be a great topic because it is something which I had never heard of before coming to this blog.

Overall, I believe the blog shows great potential. Good work Norman!

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