Monday, February 25, 2008
Hello, I'm finally back in business. My last few posts have not been project based, and this one's not going to be different. The reason for this? Well, firstly, there is the issue that there has not been much progress made, mainly due to a combination of senioritis, depression, and stress. I really don't want to bore you with details and ranting about my deficiencies as to why I am not working as hard as I should. It's just happening and I need to get over it.
Do you remember that post from February 16th??? I do. And I remember that I needed to explain how I modeled my objects. Well I'll give you the basic rundown of the overall process. Hopefully no one will get lost. To create my models I generally use a cube inside a hypernurb and mold and extrude the shape I want out of that. Ok, let me explain how a hypernurb works, because i hope you already know what a cube, extrude, and mold mean. A hypernurb takes a shape (in most of my cases a cube) and smothes the edges of the object.
The object on the left is in a hypernurb the one on the right is not.
I you look at the box that says objects, you can see the first cube is in a way inside the hypernurb. This tells you that this object is affected by the parent object (the hypernurb). The other cube object (the one on the right) is actually the same one as the left one only this one is not placed on the hypernurb. The reason I prefer working with these specific tools is that they let me create a single object that can be the animated with less trouble.
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