Really fast update!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hey! How's it going? It's the fifth week of class and the stress is mounting! Before I go any further I think that I'll give a run down of the stuff going on the blog so that none of you miss anything.

Firstly you can see I am trying to keep you updated through twitter. So for those of you Twitterites out there, you can subscribe to my account to be updated as the work goes along. And talking about subscribing, if you want to stay on top of new posts the best way is to subscribe to the RSS feed on the right. You just need to subscribe to a feed reader such as Google Reader (did I tell you it's free?) to have a place where to read the feed from.

So that there is no confusion, there are two sets of links as of right now. The top one being about friend's blogs in my Blogging/podcasting class. The second one is about links to things that I find useful or inspirational for my project.

The labels menu is for those of you that want to read posts about a certain topic. And for those with a more chronological twist to their lifes, you can use my archive to find any post of interest.

Oh! And for those of you facebookers, like myself, you can find my Stupas in video page on facebook through my profile. Where you can also see stuff like interests, email, etc. (including the answer to life the universe and everything). Feel free to comment in the wall.

In terms of my work:
Right now I'm trying to finish a post about my research, and hopefully finishing my senior seminar writing work as well... so... that means I'm not having a lot of sleeping tonight. It'll be an enjoyable night of work though, I promise. The storyboard-video is still being worked on and will be done soon (hopefully).


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