About yesterday...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Well I'm back from yesterday's all-nighter. I'll say that I got quite a bit done. The proposal is almost completely done, and will be posted both here and at my sister site http://stupasinvideoclass.blogspot.com/ in chunks (its three pages long, generally proposals around here are barely one page long). I didn't do too many sketches but I'll be sure to scan post them tomorrow morning. Still no detailed storyboard but that will come soon as well. The main accomplishment was to actually get the basic concept of what the video will consist of, essentially, I plan to be make three videos (whose concepts I was also able to lay out yesterday) before the end of March. Then the installation will be completed in June in time for my Senior exhibition show.

My next posts will talk more about what I plan on doing for this project. Expect posts about my inspirations, how I got interested on this subject, etc. coming soon as well. If anyone out there is interested on these ideas about buddhist art feel free to post comments and/or email me.


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