Ok, stupas are cool, but who are you?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well I don't think I have introduced myself yet; my name is Norman Javier Pérez Rodríguez but call me Norman (it's shorter and it's my name as well). As you might have guessed from my profile and this blog I'm an artist living in Ohio and I'm currently finishing my BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts for those not in the know) in art and technology. I was born and raised in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. And because I've gotten this question when I talk about my project I'll answer it: I was actually raised as a Catholic and not a Buddhist. However I personally don't feel as though I have to be of a particular religion to study it and find some sort of value in its practices and traditions, specially if its to comment on its use of imagery and symbols. The mediums I work with are video, computer animation and digital imaging. One of the concepts I generally focus on is how our perceptions of our identity and those of others can change and even contradict themselves. I already have a few sites up that have some of my work, so please visit them, if you are curious about my work:
- my Flickr site contains some of my photo work, and although most of it isn't directly related to my major art project, I find them to be quite interesting.
- my Blip.tv site contains a few of my video works which I think relate much more to the main focus of my artwork.


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